
Fjórtándi þáttur Elín Björg

Ólafur Jónsson Season 1 Episode 14

Elín Björg kom í spjall til Gunnars og Óla í síðast liðnum mánuði.
Elín Björg segir okkur meðal annars frá Boudoir ljósmyndun.
Á elinbjorg.om segir um Elínu;
"I am a photographer based in Reykavik, Iceland. I specialize in event photography and boudoir. My goal with photography is empowering women by showing them how beautiful they are. I focus on photographing non-models.
I studied at the technological school in Reykjavík, born in Iceland, raised in Sweden and returned to Iceland for an Icelandic education." 

Hér má sjá Instagram síður Elínar Boudoir_by_elin og elinbjorgphoto